Education. Empowerment. Endowment.

SAN Insights

Please click on the respective Post below for helpful personal “SAN Insights” tips, advice, and more information regarding the Post.

Helpful Website for assistance with Special Needs Individuals

SAN Insights

 It has come to our attention that the State of Florida has updated/revised some of its websites for “Applying for Assistance” for your Special Needs family members.

 For those SAN clients that are outside the State of Florida, similar websites are available by searching for “Applying for Assistance for Special Needs” in your specific state.  If you specifically need additional assistance, please contact us and a member of the Special Assistance Network will attempt to help.

 It is usual and customary for many of these websites to be updated and/or revised at the beginning of each calendar year because it is customary that the rules and regulations change annually.  SAN attempts to keep current on the updates, but the grueling process of the application process continues to be the same year after year.  Do not get discouraged if you get denied, but simply wait 30 days, and apply again and again.  Remember, endurance and patience always wins, even if it is discouraging at times.

 Here are some helpful Florida websites:

 Applying for Assistance:

 Community Partner Network:

 Public Benefits and Services:

 Department of Children and Family Services (Access Florida):

also look at these sites for assistance:  "How to create MyAccess account"  "How to link an account on MyAccess"

 Help and assistance in filling out a Department of Children and Family Services/Access Florida application:

 Application for Protected Medicaid (MTD):

 Agency for Persons with Disabilities (ADP):  ADP’s Questionnaire for Situational Information:


Also, consider this if applicable:

 Florida Special Needs Registry

Welcome to the Florida Special Needs Registry

The Florida Department of Health, in coordination with its county health departments and each local emergency management agency in the state, developed a registry for persons with special needs to register with their local emergency management agency to receive assistance during a disaster. The statewide registry provides first responders with valuable information to prepare for disasters or other emergencies.

Providing as much information as possible will allow emergency management officials to plan accordingly for future disasters. You will be emailed periodically to verify the information provided is correct and to make any necessary changes.

 Why should you register?  

To receive important information from local emergency management officials about evacuation and sheltering options available to you.  IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE!

Will my privacy be protected?

The information within the registry will only be used in the planning for and provision of emergency and/or disaster services. Additionally, Florida Statute 252.905 declares any information furnished by a person or business to the Florida Division of Emergency Management for the purpose of being provided assistance with emergency planning is exempt from F.S. 119.07 (1) and s. 24 (a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Information provided through the registry is therefore exempt from public records requests made of the Division.

Completing the Florida Special Needs Registry does not automatically qualify the individual for a special needs shelter. Additional information will be provided by your local emergency management agency regarding evacuation and sheltering options available to you. For more information on your local options, please visit

Floridians are encouraged to prepare for all types of emergencies. Building an individual or family emergency plan is the first step. During an emergency, the government and other agencies may not be able to meet your needs. You should be prepared to take care of yourself and loved ones for a minimum of 72 hours. Those individuals with a special need are encouraged to identify an emergency support network and to build a disaster supply kit. Registering on this website is not a guarantee that emergency officials will be able to assist you in an emergency.

Go to

Special needs shelter information


Need Assistance? - For questions concerning registration, sheltering, transportation, and evacuation, please contact your county emergency management agency. This information can be found by region and county at:

For software and technical support, please contact the Florida Special Needs Registry Help Desk. Please include your name, contact information, and county name in your email.



Remember: other “SAN Insights” can be found on the Special Assistance Network’s website at in the section called “SAN Insights”.

Jeff Seward