Special Assistance Network interviewed on Chicago radio station and broadcast nationwide.
The Special Assistance Network (SAN) was featured and interviewed for 30+ minutes on Chicago's nationwide internet talk radio show on June 22, 2017. Radio host Leonard Birdsong interviewed the Special Assistance Network on his "Talk Zone Legal Channel" and endorsed the Special Assistance Network and everything they are doing. Anyone can listen to a replay of the broadcast by going to talkzone.com and searching for this broadcast. Since the broadcast, the Special Assistance Network has received numerous inquiries from individuals, attorneys and advisors from Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Colorado, Missouri and Utah. The Special Assistance Network is very grateful for this opportunity and publicity. The Special Assistance Network thanks the Chicago radio station and its host and hopes the new found success will continue moving forward and expand across the United States as the Special Assistance Network continues to grow at a steady rate.