Special Assistance Network attends seminar on the Surprise Medical Billing Act
The Special Assistance Network attended a seminar on the Surprise Medical Billing Act sponsored by FosterBoughman law firm. This seminar provided an overview of the surprise medical billing issues surrounding many healthcare providers and facilities. This seminar addressed the Surprise Medical Billing Act’s implementation, including its prohibitions on surprise medical billing and confusing medical balance billing. It also addressed notice and consent exception processes, adequate disclosures, good faith estimates for health services, the Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) process and potential penalties for improper billing practices. This seminar was very relevant because numerous Special Assistance Network clients have had issues and questions on various medical billing regarding their family members and the inadequate response they received from their medical providers and insurance providers. By attending this seminar, the Special Assistance Network will be able to assist our clients with a more definitive approach to some of these abusive medical billing practices.