Education. Empowerment. Endowment.


Updates, Events & Press

Special Assistance Network approved by Disability Rights Florida organization

The Special Assistance Network is pleased that it has connected with and been approved as a provider of services by the External Affairs Coordinator of the Disability Rights of Florida organization. The Special Assistance Network is pleased that it has met the approved criteria and standards and is able to work hand-in-hand with this Advocate Rights Provider.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends Federal Bar Association Seminar on Advanced Planning with Special Needs Trusts

The Special Assistance Network was pleased to attend the Federal Bar Association Seminar on Advanced Planning with Special Needs Trusts. The seminar covered the different types of Special Needs Trusts and when to use a 1st Party Special Needs Trust vs. a 3rd Party Special Needs Trust. The seminar also covered updates on Special Needs Trusts and various drafting considerations and specific legal language to utilize to protect clients and their families.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends event on the Americans with Disabilities Act

The Special Assistance Network attended an event sponsored by Peaces Of Me Foundation on “The Americans with Disabilities Act: How did it Help, and How does it Hurt?” which was a discussion of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The event discussed the significant changes this Act put in place to establish access for people with disabilities in education, employment and other areas that are not available or understood.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends "ABLE Con" sponsored by ABLE United.

The Special Assistance Network attended “ABLE Con” sponsored by ABLE United. This seminar included three sessions on Employment of Special Needs Individuals, Special Needs Planning, and the use of ABLE accounts. The seminar was an overview of disability resources and the acknowledgement that the resources are available but navigating them is overwhelming to the average family. The Special Assistance Network was please to be invited to attend this annual event.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends State of Florida Governor's Summit on Disabilities

The Special Assistance Network was pleased to attend the State of Florida Governor’s Summit on Disabilities 24th Annual Family Café in Orlando, Florida. This Annual Family Café brings people together with all types of disabilities for three days of information, training sessions, and networking with public and private resources. Although intensive at times, it was packed with valuable information that the Special Assistance Network can use to assist its clientele with the many different issues that Special Needs families face on a daily basis.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends seminar on medical insurance for Special Needs clients

The Special Assistance Network attended a virtual seminar on medical health insurance for Special Needs clients sponsored by United Healthcare. Since 2018, the Special Assistance Network has had staff authorized as licensed agents to provide UnitedHealthcare medical insurance to special needs individuals of any age. We can offer and sign up special needs individuals that are on Medicare and Medicaid for the supplemental plans they need and have requested: the UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete LP (HMO SNP) in Florida and the UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete RP (PPO SNP) in Florida. This is another continuing benefit available through the Special Assistance Network.

Jeff Seward
D&B Business Directory lists the Special Assistance Network

The Special Assistance Network was notified that it has been entered into the ongoing Dun & Bradstreet Business Directory as a stable viable organization to do business with. The Special Assistance Network is very proud to be listed in this Business Directory.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends Network for Good seminar

The Special Assistance Network attended a day long seminar from Network for Good on working smarter, not harder in serving the Special Needs community. The seminar covered numerous subjects relating to assisting clients with their day-to-day issues that arise along with making their respective lives more productive.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network makes presentation to Advocates for Adult Children with Intellectual Disabilities (AACID)

The Special Assistance Network (SAN) was recently asked and made a presentation to a large group of parents with children and adult individuals with various disabilities about the benefits of Special Needs Trusts. The Special Assistance Network provided a two hour presentation and a follow-up one-on-one individual question and answer period for all the attending parents. There were numerous members of the Special Assistance Network available at this presentation and available so all questions were answered in a timely manner. The Special Assistance Network appreciates the opportunity made available from the organization “Advocates for Adult Children with Intellectual Disabilities” (AACID) to make such a timely presentation and to be exposed to so many parents with questions that could be answered by SAN for their benefit.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning

Staff from the Special Assistance Network attended the 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning from May 3 thru 6, 2021 in Miami, Florida. The Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning is the premier Estate Planning conference sponsored by the University of Miami School of Law in the United States. Staff from the Special Assistance Network learned all the latest case law and latest developments regarding the drafting, usage, and administration of Special Needs Trusts. The exposure of this information from the leading experts in the United States allows for the Special Assistance Network to be helpful and have greater ability to benefit its clients throughout the country. Regular specialized training like this is just another reason why people choose the Special Assistance Network to assist them with third-party trust administration of their Special Needs Trusts.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network has been added to "211 Lifeline - First Call for Help"

The Special Assistance Network is pleased to announce that with its continuing service to the community by helping families with Special Needs individuals with the creation and third party administration of Special Needs Trusts, “211 Lifeline - First Call for Help” in Broward County, Florida has added the Special Assistance Network to their active referral resources list for families needing assistance with these types of documents and services.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network added to National Special Needs Database on SearchABLE

The Special Assistance Network has qualified and been added to the 2021 National Special Needs Database on the nationwide Special Needs website “SearchABLE.” The Special Assistance Network is honored to have qualified and be placed in this nationwide database for easy access by families anywhere in the United States. The Special Assistance Network continues to assist families with third party administration of Special Needs Trusts where the family is the trustee.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network to publish "SAN Insights"

The Special Assistance Network (SAN) has had many requests over the years for information on and about non-technical subjects that affect Special Needs individuals and their families. Starting today, the Special Assistance Network will publish on a routine basis to its clients “SAN Insights” which is information that clients may use or make reference to in their daily life. These SAN Insights will cover many different subjects and will be forwarded to clients as the Special Assistance Network is made aware of these items. These SAN Insights will be another added value to the clients of the Special Assistance Network.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends Autism Conference 2020

The Special Assistance Network attended the Autism Conference 2020 on “Autism: Beyond Behaviors.” This online conference discussed practical strategies, resourceful tools and actionable insights to support individuals with Autism. This conference also had enhanced discussions on how to understand and communicate with any individual on the Autism spectrum. The Special Assistance Network was very pleased to be invited to this event and will continue to work with families with individual members living in the Autism spectrum.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends seminar on medical insurance for Special Needs clients

The Special Assistance Network attended a virtual seminar on medical health insurance for Special Needs clients sponsored by United Healthcare. Since 2018, the Special Assistance Network has had staff authorized as licensed agents to provide UnitedHealthcare medical insurance to special needs individuals of any age. We can offer and sign up special needs individuals that are on Medicare and Medicaid for the supplemental plans they need and have requested: the UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete LP (HMO SNP) in Florida and the UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete RP (PPO SNP) in Florida. This is another continuing benefit available through the Special Assistance Network.

Jeff Seward
Special Assistance Network attends seminar on dealing with Clients during the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Special Assistance Network attended a seminar on dealing with Clients during the Coronavirus Pandemic. This involved a discussion of the use of various life insurance instruments and how it can protect clients and their families and how it fits into Special Needs Trusts. The seminar was a virtual seminar presented by New York Life Insurance Company. The Special Assistance Network was pleased to be invited to such an informative session by New York Life.

Jeff Seward